Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)


Okay I should clarify more sorry.

2. Yeah they aren't, very! easy to play that's true, but one thing they have going for them, especially with AI's that just make several of the same unit very early on instead of setting up defenses, is the centaurs, they do huge amounts of fast damage and move extremely quicly, this means that it's basically impossible to stop them from sweeping through your buildings near to the start of the game with insane speed, first because, for instance, I've seen 10 take another AI's fortrace in 12 to 15 seconds, and second, they are basically impossible to even hit at all, because they move so damned fast.
Forest archers are okay because yeah they do lots of damage, but they take more time to get, and more wood and gold, too, plus they aren't as rediculously fast, I think part, but not much of this problem stems from the fact that if they allied with troditionals that have horses speed, t hey get a speed upgrade, which doesn't make sense, I mean, training warhorses aposed to somehow teaching people that are half horses and have lived in the forest for their hole lives a thing or too? That would be like me getting a general computer science degree and then trying to tell a person the same age as me that went to school for just as long how to do their speciality in network security just because I covered it for 2 weeks, lol.
Also, the same problem doesn't happen with paladins as much because the fact that they have swords means that they need to move farther into the square to attack, which means more chance to die along the way, so I think, something! needs to happen, make the cost more so you can't get as many so fast? reduce attack and or movement speed by a bit? make them require better buildings? have more upgrades for them to get to the point they are now, but start them weaker? I don't want them to be useless, I like playing as elves, or did, before I realized the insanity, just because the AI's are to dumb to make it fare, against humans though maybe they'd be okay though because they build more defenses, but that's hard to say because they are so hard to hit, have such range in the square, and do lots of rapid damage.
I agree that having no ajacent units is a drawback, but they do have guard towers that are very powerful, as well as traps, and a human is fast and smart enough so that they could send out invisible patrols quite early in the game compared to other units.
Also, yes, other races can beat them, but mostly because of shitty luck, like a cannon tower built near by, or running into some muskiteers with only a few units early in the game, and being locked off from making more, and even in that case lots of muskiteers would probably die, because of the speed.

3.  I actually don't think troditionals are that bad, it takes them a while to get dragons for instanc e, and they kind of suck without upgrades, both technicles, and even more so, orcs, get better units faster, and they aren't invis either they can only see invis, while hipogrifs can and are better before upgrades and faster to start making, and fighter airships are good in groups and even better with explosives upgrades, even basic ones.
I think your forgetting just how long it takes to build a castle, it's pretty damn long, takes allot of materials, too, also they are quite vonerable to invis units, like flying serpants, and thestrals, as well as bombers with a spy ship escort, all things that aren't so hard to get pretty early on.
Also the priest can't fight, which I was going to bring up, personally, since we already have paladins, I think the priest should be change to a cleric, given light armor, and a mace that does okay but slow damage, I mean he can't defend at all right now, and that doesn't make sense, plus, cleric, paladin?  I t makes sense.
Also yes, how ever they do it, they are making loads of catapolts, that's the problem, not that they exist, they are actually quite slow...  But they are nice.
As to said paladins, yeah they are quite fast and strong and damaging, though as I said, the having to walk over and use the sword thing helps, so would moving temple to castle.

4. Nah what I meant was, thestrals shouldn't be so cheap, because the building they come from requires the best townhall they can get, but they are really cheap, and yeah they do crap damage, but they are also invisible, and detecting, and quite fast.

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