Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

Hi Danny.

All good thoughts and thanks for implementing my suggestions. for me the more stuff you can stick in space the better, stars of various types from binaries to black holes, different sorts of planets like gas giants (with ice rings or without), hot worlds like murcury and venus, dwarf planets, nebulae, pulsars, wrecks to salvage and explore. the more stuff you put in space to discover and play with the better I'll be pleased, so I love the idea of comets and indeed of discovering uncharted planets.

As regards naming objects, comets I'd personally suggest be named similarly to asteroids when they're in, eg comet 531, however planets and dwarf planets should really have propper names the way they do in reality, sinse there are lots of names to use. Names of figures from various mythologies such as Shiva, Rama, Persius, Zeus, Hermes, Athena, or Oni, names based on the sir names, either of famous people in science or science fiction such as asimov, Clark, Bester, leguin, Einstein, Vannallan or Halkin.

Core exiles uses the idea of having planets named after old planets is sf, not the obvious ones but ones like Trantor from Asimov's foundation or Mork and Mindi from the old tv series, though I'm personally less a fan of that idea because while it's realisttic (there are apparently already asteroids in our own asteroid belt called Tolkien and frodo), it always seems a wee bit uncreative.

One other idea might be something which I'd actually like to see, have textual descriptions of the planets and other objects that you can read on the scanner and have the names reflect those descriptions.

For example, a planet called blackball with the description: "A huge amount of carbonized coal on the planet's surface makes it appear black from space" or Bubbles "An ironic name for a planet who's surfice is a hellish mass of boiling lava and toxic gas"

actually I&# 039;d love to see some descriptions in the game, both useful ones of ships and equipment to help when deciding what to buy, and just some flavour style ones to give you a better sense of the world.

Btw, if (as I hope), we're having lots more things in space to have fun with, is this the point perhaps that we need a bit of separation on the scanner, so that you don't get confused as to what is a planet, what a space station and what a ship. I know asteroids are called "Asteroid so and so" but that obviously won't be the same for everything.

what I'm thinking is either on the scanner menu you could hit specific keys to display specific objects, eg a for asteroids and comets, p for planets and dwarf planets, s for other ships. Or, the menu could tell you with a label after each object eg "roid hunter (ship)" Alternativelysinse otherwise the only way of finding out is hitting enter on everything and listening to the full description.< /p>

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