highdudgeon;150502 Wrote: 
> So, you're a Squeeze Box and Bolder "fanboy."  Neat.
> Seriously, I just gotta know -- where in the English-speaking world did
> you come up with that term?  Or is it a nasty, pejorative coinage of
> your own?
> I'm quite fine with criticisms.  I've had criticisms galore, mostly
> having to do with software, and I perfectly well realize that the SB3
> is not the best thing on the planet.  My two CDPs sound better. 
> Easily.  They also cost quite a bit more.  The SB3 has, of course, all
> the virtues of size and flexibility.  Many, or most, reasonable people
> would agree that the single best improvemet to the SB3 is an excellent
> DAC.  That's the course I took and I was (and am) very happy.  Do you
> really think spending almost $1,000 on a DAC isn't a "mod" to the
> system driven by a desire for higher performance?!  I think Wayne is a
> nice guy.  He is not, however, Lavry Engineering, Benchmark or Slim
> Devices.  If that were the case, mastering studios would be gushing
> about various mods.  They aren't. 
> The Transporter is on another level.  I have a gripe or two (I wish the
> letters, and not just the numbers, were backlit on the remote), but it
> is, overall, a very high performance device.  Slim Devices hit a home
> run.  They are easily on the level of Benchmark, Lavry, and Mytek, and
> that is a high level indeed.

My NOS DAC only cost $250 and the consensus seems to be that it
competes well with DAC's and state-of-the-art CDP's that cost multiples

I think that, for the most part, that you can, with intelligent
choices, at least equal the SQ of the stock Transporter with a modded
SB (either analog or digital) and a linear powersupply. If you choose
the digital mod the choice of a good DAC is critical. The Transporter
is a nice luxury but if you already own a SB, there are other more cost
effective routes to sonic bliss.


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