rajacat;150521 Wrote: 
> My NOS DAC only cost $250 and the consensus seems to be that it competes
> well with DAC's and state-of-the-art CDP's that cost multiples more.
> http://www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/equipment/0406/mhdt_laboratory_dac.htm
> I think that, for the most part, that you can, with intelligent
> choices, at least equal the SQ of the stock Transporter with a modded
> SB (either analog or digital) and a linear powersupply. If you choose
> the digital mod the choice of a good DAC is critical. The Transporter
> is a nice luxury but if you already own a SB, there are other more cost
> effective routes to sonic bliss.
> Raja

rajacat, I don't disagree. My SB/modded elpac sounds great with both my
I had the luxury of hearing a TP before buying. I liked it so much I
had to buy it and it keeps getting better with burn in. It is one of
the most musically involving components I have heard in a long time.

For me it is better than the SB+DAC and that's why I bought it. I have
2 people waiting to buy my SB/mod elpac at break even so I'm not out

I also like that the TP matches well visually with my Rowland
gear.........but if it didn't sound beter I wouldn't have bought it.

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