Pat Farrell;191200 Wrote: 
> You seem to be trying to pick a fight. I have no fight with you. So
> this 
> is my last response.

Nope, not trying to pick a fight.  Simply asserting my opinion that
speaker placement is more important than "tweak" implies.  

> Because it defeats the purpose of the spikes. They are designed to 
> solidly couple the speakers in one place. In theory, the speaker
> cabinet 
> can move with music causing the imaging to smear.

Many floors are not perfectly level, and using spikes (even with cups
underneath them) allow for the speaker cabinet to be solidly placed on
an uneven surface.  Without them, you have an inconsistent
surface-to-surface contact, which can cause resonances in the cabinet
and the floor that are detrimental to the performance of the speaker. 
There is also benefit to raising the speaker off the floor.

> Since you don't like my tweak, where are yours?

I love your suggestion...I just don't think it's as minor as a tweak. 
I'm not big on tweaks.  I do believe in vibration control devices and
power conditioning, and of course room acoustic treatments, so I guess
I could talk about those...but I don't believe you can "tweak" room
acoustic treatments or power conditioning, and I've already seen the
carnage caused in another thread when discussing vibration control, so
I chose not to jump there.  

If I had to mention one, I'd say make sure your seat doesn't have a
headrest on it to cause reflections right behind your head.  Probably
would say the same thing about cupping your hands around your ears...


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