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jeffmeh;363749 Wrote: 
> If you are so concerned with losing quality with the digital volume
> control, perhaps you should try it to see if you can detect a
> difference.  Admittedly, it would be difficult to seamlessly switch
> between, say, 80% digital volume with attenuation and 100% digital
> volume without (assuming that these created the same volume, as I
> haven't done the math).  I would be surprised if one could tell the
> difference in a blind test, as Slim's implementation of digital volume
> control in the 24-bit domain is a very good implementation indeed.

(Fortunately) My listening habits are not predicated on doing ABX blind
testing with two minute excerpts of music!  I prefer to listen, evaluate
and enjoy of a long period and make value and SQ judgements based on
these more "real world" conditions.

But I take your point overall about the excellent technical
implementation from SlimDevices.

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