JezA;433895 Wrote: 
> You might get a 20w amplifier to drive a speaker to 'deafening levels'
> but the reason you would be being deafened is that it will be clipping
> transients horrifically on any material with a decent dynamic range
> played back at a decent level. Sure a horn loaded loudspeaker will make
> a lot of noise with a low powered amp, but at the expense of some
> dreadful colourations, not to mention lots of money.  I agree with
> Labarum, a 20w/channel amp in a £1k product is just odd, most modern
> decent speakers just aren't sensitive enough to be driven effectively by
> such a product. I suppose you could listen very near-field though, but
> if it was me I'd be looking for a decent amp, that didn't constrain my
> choice of speakers or playback dynamic range. After all Phil, you
> yourself are using a 90w/ch amplifier to drive a tweeter!

Utter, utter rubbish.


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