In the real world of recording, the difference between 48kHz (44.1) and
96kHz isn't worth the difference in required storage space or DSP
requirements.  Now, when you start talking about 192kHz (176.4) you're
getting closer to the resolution and 'feel' of our old analog gear.  

However, the amount of storage space is over 7 times what you may have
now.  Audio on a CD is 10MB/minute.  Make it 24-bit and you're up to
15MB/minute.  Now bump it up to 192kHz at 24-bit and you're looking at
70MB/minute at a bit rate of 1125 KB/sec. 

You may find some 'live' recordings at this SR, or some with very small
track count, due to the fact that most digital audio workstations don't
have enough horsepower to push this kind of data through on lots of

Just an FYI....

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego
A.E.S., S.M.P.T.E., S.P.A.R.S.
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