ralphpnj wrote: 
> The is no such thing as soundstage. The only thing soundstage is a
> construct of the over active imaginations of audio reviewers. Therefore
> it can not be wider, taller or deeper.
> Images and imaging are another audio reviewer construct. Doesn't really
> exist, never has and never will.

Call it what you want, but the way the "physical dimension" of sound is
percieved is a property of the presentation. This is theorised in the
field of psychoaccoustics. So not nitpicking the wording, the point is
not hard to see. 

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Highs are not sweet, unless you're in a Dutch coffee shop.

Again the softness/hardness of sound is qualified in psychoaccoustics. 
ralphpnj wrote: 
> I never suffer from listening fatigue when listening to my current audio
> system, which includes a Transporter. I only suffer from listening to
> bad music.

That sound can create a sensation of fatigue is also well known. Though
I agree its often misused among audiophiles. 

Cut through the bull and open your mind. Psychoaccoustics is very
interesting qualifying the stuff that "your incompetent" audiophile throws
around- though obviously not an exact science.

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