Looks like it's time to reboot this thread since things are getting
little out of hand, with lots of help from yours truly.

Let's start with some simple points that hopefully we can all agree on.

1) There are indeed significant differences between DACs at different
price points.

2) In many cases a more expensive DAC will produce a more pleasant
listening experience.

3) There are many other factors which need to be considered when
attempting to evaluate the "sound" of a DAC.

After these three simple statements is when everything starts to go off
the rails.

Take statement #1 - are the significant differences between DACs
improvements or just different but equally valid ways of reproducing the

Statement #2 leaves open the question of whether the more pleasant
listening experience is justifiable based on cost, listening
environment, other components in one's system and quality of source

Statement #3 is similar to #2 but also includes things like how the
evaluation is conducted, one's mood when listening, the type of music
one likes to listen to and many other factors.

Finally throw into this crazy mix the fact that DACs, at least on the
digital side of things, are basically computers and there are only
limited chip sets which can perform the initial digital to analog
conversion. Basically the major differences in most well designed DACs
are what happens between the initial digital to analog conversion and
analog signal produced at the outputs. And in the case of the super high
priced DACs the quality of the metal used in the case :) - sorry I just
couldn't resist throwing that in.

ralphpnj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10827
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=96407

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