SBGK wrote: 
> ok, so you won't answer the question and use misdirection. Here is a
> quote from an eminently respected member of the community in reference
> to TT3.0 
> "I did some testing on this a few months ago and found that with some
> DACs parts of TT3.0 made a significant improvement and other parts made
> no difference, and some parts made it not work at all, in particular
> some USB DACs don't work with the small buffer sizes TT3.0 uses by
> default.

Misdirection? In exactly what direction did I point you? 

As for the question I didn't answer, it wasn't directed at me. But, yes,
I've tried the TT3.0 and didn't find it contributed anything I could
reliably detect. 

As for the "respected member of the community", you'll note this is one
person with one opinion. This is known as anecdotal evidence. You'll
recall that my criticism was directed toward your comment that the prior
poster's "...*stand is so at odds to the -rest- of the digital audio
world*...."  You were claiming that the entire audio world was on your
side (with the exception of a few neanderthals). I simply pointed out
that I've not witnessed the same universality whether the subject is
digital or any other area of audio.  

>  You guys are the ultimate navel gazers, unbelievable. You can't see how
> wrong you are and yet support each other with your diatribes. very
> mature.

Navel gazing is quite the allegation coming from you. 

I think it's fine that people buy the gear they buy and hear what they
hear. But the one thing I -don't- do is pretend that my ears are a
scientific reference and my personal perception is always and only based
on the audible physical attributes of the equipment. Unlike some, I
readily admit that I'm the biggest variable in my system. I don't find
it necessary to have a quantum physics explanation to justify my
personal preference. Gear choices for a home listener rarely need to be
more complicated than that. If there does come a need to get
scientifically valid data, I also know that some effort must be put
forth to control the subjective non-audio variables. 

If that's navel gazing, I plead guilty!  ;-)

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