SoftwireEngineer wrote: 
> Yes, currently, a DAC cannot be used in my setup. Just SBT-> coax ->
> Panasonic -> bi-amp-> speakers. But I am considering new speakers and
> thinking about DACs like the NAD M51. Wondering what the folks here
> think is a reasonably priced DAC (surely not the ones jh suggests :-) )

Benchmark , audiolab MDAC , ?

* it was a very long time since I bought a standalone DAC , get better
advice than mine in this case .

* filter out " weird " designs that counter normal engineering standards
,that for example contains tubes or by-bee quantum purifiers or similar
,run for the horizon .
Be vigilant of other clueless bs like "sounds almost as good as vinyl"
or "seductive midrange" or other hype . If they rely heavilly on
custommer testimonials and no data be sceptical . If they also sell
expensive cables be even more sceptical as they can't possible have
understood the engineering degree they should have to be able to design
the DAC in the first place .

* for some reason it's seems like there is new DAC brand every week made
in china ? Using known brands with solid reputation is a good idea .
Warranty. Quality and service are just as important .
Example the power supply in my 8 year old processor blew in 2012
meridian replaced it for something like 2-3% of the cost of new similar
processor and  (I think they also exchanged other stuff too without
telling me ).

* high end custommer are whimsical depending for example on the latest
nonsense from TAS brands migth temporarily by out of favour etc so in
that market they need to keep surprisingly high margins to stay in
bussiness , unless you can build a relatively large loyal custommer base
. This also means great deals on used stuff as some are chasing the
latest and greatest and their own tail .

* try to do a level matched (  important ) blind shot out compared to
the Touchs analog out , if you are on a budget . Listening environment
speakers and volume and music selection weigh in here , you migth find
the improvement subtle at best and the money could do more for you
elsewhere in the system .

Consider active speakers ( analog or digital ) getting rid of the
passive cross over and power the drivers directly is a very real
improvement , nb some of the simpler active speakers are just passive
speakers with built in amps and sort of misses the piont with coupling
the power amp,directly to the drivers .

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