Quad wrote: 
> What goes around, comes around.
> Don't get me wrong, this laminar thing is marketing fuzz at its worst.
> But I really think you guys sometimes overdo.

Yes probably , but think of it as a long lever :) as the majority of the
audio hoby have turned into this mess...

But that particular company is very very shady ,have a look at thier
blackbody http://www.lessloss.com/blackbody-p-200.html
And thier power conditioner ,seems equally suspicius ? skin effect
filter really :)

And are we overdiong it in this particular case ?

The whole company seems to totally geared to fool suspectibale audio
hobyists , the products are just a mean to ends .
They just make them to tick all the boxes in the typical audiophile  new
age belief system and market heavilly from there ? actual performance is
not even an issue ?
They are also selling a speaker brand i actuallynknow nothing about so
they have mixed their voodo products with some actually working stuff
but thaats just clever .

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