Julf wrote: 
> Ah, a good one!
> "Computer operating systems are extensive and require many services,
> which all compete for processing time. These processes are allocated
> according to what are called priorities. It is known through the
> world-wide consensus of experienced computer audio tweakers that the
> more services you can disengage, the better the resulting audio. The
> stream becomes more laminar, less turbulent."

That is actually a gem , this is how they do it laminar and turbulent
streams are fluid dynamics (hydrodynamics and aearodynamics) it has
nothing to do with information ,you could aswell ask about the taste of
bits , I want blueberry zeros and vanilla ones :)

But to non technical people this may actually sound like plausible
technobable , but its snipped from something completly different much of
the stuff these kind of scammers use for marketting blurb is real but
taken out of it's context .

Well much of the blackbody stuff is science fiction :)

Non technical people may take another viewpiont to see trough this ,does
not this look too good to be true , they can solve all "problems" an
audiophile seems to have and even some you did not know that you had ?

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