garym wrote: 
> yeah, not clear myself on all the different versions. But to do any
> actual testing, you'd have to create the mp3 and 16bit from the same
> source (the 24bit). Otherwise, too many confounding variables.  Note I'm
> not suggesting that you *need* to do this....just that your description
> of differences have too many viable alternative explanations without
> insuring that all files are from the same source (mastering).
> p.s. I find I enjoy the mono box set versions the most from a personal
> perspective.

That's because the mono masters have not been tempered with -- no bass
boost, no "let's show them what a great drummer Ringo actually was by
boosting his presence in the mix", just an honest-to-god transfer, which
preserved the original vibe, warts and all.

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