darrenyeats wrote: 
> Let's say my standard assumption that this was a different master
> doesn't apply; then such a conversion would have been from 24 bit to 16
> bit, I think ... or, conspiracy theory!
> Darren

That's why my suspicion is that they *purposely* did a decrease in
volume from 24-bit to 16-bit. Notice that none of the tracks have a
volume peak at 0; and just went lower from 24 --> 16-bits. Modern
mastering technique would have actually tried to push the peak up to 0
so you would maximize the dynamic range of the 16-bit version.

They did not do this - instead they lowered the volume and did not make
an effort to use the full 16-bits from the 24-bit source.

Strange... Cough. Cough. Cough. Conspiracy :-)

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