darrenyeats wrote: 
> My working assumption is that different resolution releases are mastered
> (perhaps slightly) differently until I have concrete information.
> Darren

You could be right, Darren.  Who knows other than the folks who worked
on this.

But one wonders though - why would they do that? If you consider the
2009 remaster & USB release, is there any reason they would put extra
time into fiddling with EQ, compression, etc. Time is money and do they
actually think this was worth a separate mastering for a small release
USB (which they sweetened the pot with "24-bit's!")... I think most of
here intuitively know (or have literally tested for ourselves) that the
difference between 24-bits and properly dithered 16-bits is marginal
anyways.  I'm more inclined that they knew the difference was very

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