heisenberg wrote: 
> Little if any difference between the 16 and 24 bit releases? I disagree.
> Listen to "Words of Love" from "Beatles for Sale", for example. On the
> CD version (16 bit), the hand clapping sounds like two wooden blocks
> hitting each other. On the 24 bit version, the hand clapping sounds like
> real hand clapping -- you can hear the sound skin makes when hitting
> skin. There are many other similarly revealing differences between the
> two releases.

Hi Heisenberg,
To follow up, I just had a listen to this track - 2009 CD remaster vs.
2009 24/44 USB.

Dunno man, side by side they sound really close using my ASUS Essence
One + Sony V6 headphones (my workhorse I happen to have plugged at the

Amplitude difference (Adobe Audition Avg RMS Power):
CD version: -15.33 dB
24-bit version: -15.13 dB

About 0.2dB louder for the 24-bit version for some reason. I suspect
this discrepancy was done on purpose since a straight dithered
down-conversion from 24-bit to 16-bit will not do this. Assuming the
24-bit version came from the source, it looks like someone applied a
slight volume cut (I'm of course speculating). Given that the recording
is from 1964 and the noise floor throughout the song is at best -96dB
even at the quietest parts, I'm not convinced there's any need for
24-bit dynamic range.

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