Archimago wrote: 
> My opinion piece on digital cables (but much applies to analogue as
> well). This one could make some folks unhappy!
> Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

Good piece!

Your experiment in using one half of an analogue interconnect as a
coaxial digital cable is particularly interesting to me, as I use one
half of a 3 or 4 metre analogue interconnect to connect my Touch to my
DAC, because it's the only cable I own which is long enough (I want my
Touch on my coffee table, where I can, er... touch it). The cable was
£10 GBP I think for the stereo pair. (Radio Shack/Maplin or similar, I
can't remember, it used to link my Nicam TV to my amp before the digital

The only "audiophile approved" digital cable I own is a QED one, (£35
GBP), and I've tried that, as well as a basic optical cable, and my
informal testing (no ABX or measurements!) shows no difference. But then
I suppose, to be sure, I should see if there is a difference between
using the left as opposed to right half of my cable :). I can say,
however, that the music is strangely unsafisfying when I connect the
left channel of the cable to my Touch and the right channel to my DAC -
what could be going on here? ;)

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