darrell wrote: 
> Hmmm... I think I understand that on the surface of it, the left-right
> issue might be caused by the lack of an electrical connection between
> the two components, but on the other hand, wouldn't special audiophile
> quantum tunnelling effects ensure that the music still got through? (And
> with more purity, too, given that a theoretical path for transmission of
> interference would be removed?)
> Seriously, though, thanks again for your illuminating posts here and on
> your blog - it was obviously no small effort, but well worth it, as you
> have increased the signal to noise ratio of the audiophile parts of the
> internet.

I know, just facetious bantering... Although I thought that "quantum
tunneling" theory has already been exploited by the boys at Synergistic.

Thanks for the note. It's fun just putting stuff "out there" in a more
empirical fashion which I hope will at least get some audiophiles
thinking and newbies realize that not all "audiophiles" are into
greening & demagnetizing CD's, fooling with cable risers, positioning
totem beaks, considering buying expensive "isolation platforms" for
non-mechanical gear, obsessed about cable directionality, can hear down
to the picosecond of jitter, etc...

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