Wombat wrote: 
> Fun fact to me with your test is the idea not using a 192kHz source
> against a lowpassed one. You may do better as a famous AES paper lately
> claimed to :)
> Well, not exactly but one of the reasons in the AES paper differences
> may be heard is still the possibility of IM of music content in the
> ultra hard metal tweeter. 
> Your test has no IM content only the added ringing at the filters
> frequency. Brillant!

Don't know about the "brilliant" part...

I figure it was just obvious in order to isolate the variables :-).

Now if someone out there can explain to me what kind of "Filter
responses tested were representative of anti-alias filters used in A/D
(analog-to-digital) converters or mastering processes" settings these
people used, I would be most appreciative as I do not have access to
said "famous AES paper":

I'm also a bit confused as to why this paper even bothers to mention
16-bit quantization and dithering at all... How's that supposed to fit
into the title "Audibility of Typical Digital Audio Filters in a
High-Fidelity Playback System"?


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