Julf wrote: 
> Why do you think it will?It's way to early for Panto season - that doesn't 
> happen until nearer
Christmas along with shouts of "it's behind you" from the kids.

> With Genelec, it is a 30-frequency test tone, but that is for
> loudspeakers, where you get all sorts of edge reflections and
> interference with elements and testing at an even spread of frequencies
> is more significant. For a DAC or amp, a couple of tones will do.  The
> filtering is trivial in the digital domain, as anyone who actually
> studied any of the stuff would know.Great, well as I said, Archi should be 
> well able to do such trivial
measurements so I suggest that is what he should measure for the Regen
device - if he ever measures that device.

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