But I am just comparing it to the Duet. I am feeding an old Cambridge
Audio DacMagic. 
I would be interested if you think you can hear a difference between the
optical output and the RCA. It seems to sound more defined but I have
old ears & it could be the placebo effect:rolleyes:
The same reviewer has some videos on speaker placement & I like how he
points out to change the acoustics of a room requires taking out
walls:rolleyes: And I can image a few fanatics doing that but most
people deal with reality.  He concedes it isn't rational when he brings
it up. I just couldn't resist sharing his review though. 

If you have some more time to waste you might watch this guy. I agree
with his premise that audio gear doesn't need to be expensive but
unfortunately his technical prowess isn't up to the task. Ultimately
it's what you enjoy & if it sounds good to you then that's all that
counts. I have always considered recorded music is a poor substitute for
live music:p And I have seen & heard some bad shows.



(1) Pi 3 w/ HifiBerry Dac + Pro & Max2Play, (1) Touch, (1) Transporter,
QNAP 853a for files
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