Then perhaps you need to talk to your aggregator, who does have telemetry 
available, and who you’re already paying for service, and who can give you 
availability data without inviting NBNCo to play in the retail market.

The NBN mess is the result of the ugly Australian tendency to go running behind 
the Government’s apron strings every time anyone has a problem with anything, 
instead of solving the problem yourself. Asking for more government 
“assistance” isn’t likely to result in a better outcome. 

They’ve already shown that they don’t know how to produce good outcomes, and 
it’s a bit weird to expect that they’d suddenly learn for this one specific 

   - mark

Tiny screen, imaginary keyboard.

> On 2 Jan 2018, at 10:59, wrote:
> Quoting Mark Newton <>:
>>> On 22 Dec 2017, at 10:36 AM, wrote:
>>> Here's an idea,
>>> Why doesn't the ACMA require NBN to provide a service status page that
>>> an NBN user can key their address into and it shows :-
>> You’re a service provider.
>> Do you really want NBNco playing in your patch?
>> Surely you have enough telemetry to supply that information to your  users 
>> without NBNco’s continued involvement?
>>  - mark
> Mark,
> As a customer of a wholesale aggregator we have no means of knowing
> if any given CVC is congested.
> Worse, we have no visibility into NBN's network.
> We think information on both would be most helpful to both the customer and 
> ourselves.
> - Michael.
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