On Mon, 2019-04-08 at 11:55 +1000, Paul Wilkins wrote:
> There should be little cost to service providers in implementing take
> down notices. Video can now easily be fingerprinted, and repeat
> postings autoflagged for moderator take down.

Video fingerprints can be avoided by transcoding video, or analog
copying it, or applying any of a thousand invisible (to humans)
filters, or in many cases just by snipping out a second here or there.
It takes almost no technical skill at all. No doubt automated
recognition of video content will get better, but it certainly is not
there yet.

Reacting to a take-down notice is not something that can be automated
in any case. Is the notice genuine? Does it apply to the provider's
jurisdiction? Is it reasonable? Does it require a legal or a practical
response? These are not automatable decisions (at least, not yet).

> The Assistance and Access Act was a big deal because it represents a
> credible threat to the democratic rights to freedom of speech and
> privacy.

I'm glad we agree on that, at least.

>  The Sharing of Abhorrent Violent Material Act on the other hand, is
> at worst a distraction, but rather looks like the government doing
> what they're supposed to do.

Really? Ramming unworkable legislation through in the emotional heat
following a tragedy, without any public consultation, without any
discussion with affected parties, without consulting any technical
experts or seeking any input from civil society?

>  I can't see Voltaire going to the barricades to protect people's
> rights to propagate murder videos.

Can't speak for Voltaire, but opposition to this legislation has
nothing to do with "murder videos". If you think it does, you are very
badly missing the point. 

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)

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