A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                dannyniu
Assigned To:                
Project:                    1003.1(2013)/Issue7+TC1
Issue ID:                   1031
Category:                   Shell and Utilities
Type:                       Enhancement Request
Severity:                   Editorial
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     New
Name:                       DannyNiu/NJF 
User Reference:              
Section:                    The 'find' utility.  
Page Number:                2761-2770 
Line Number:                90443-90860 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2016-03-07 03:21 UTC
Last Modified:              2017-02-16 16:33 UTC
Summary:                    Add -iname (case-insensitive name search) to the
find utility.

 (0003559) geoffclare (manager) - 2017-02-16 16:33
(2016 edition page and line numbers)

On page 107 before line 2926 (XBD chapter 4 General Concepts), insert a new
section: <blockquote>4.1 Case Insensitive Comparisons

When a standard utility or function that uses regular expressions or
pattern matching specifies that matching shall be case insensitive, then if
a string would match the regular expression or pattern when doing a
case-sensitive match, the same string with any of its characters replaced
with their case counterparts, as defined by the <b>toupper</b> and
<b>tolower</b> character mappings (see [xref to XBD 7.3.1]), shall also
match when doing a case-insensitive match.

This definition of case-insensitive processing is intended to allow
matching of multi-character collating elements as well as characters, as
each character in the string is matched using both its cases.  For example,
in a locale with a "Ch" multi-character collating element (see [xref to XBD
7.3.2 bullet 1]), the bracket expression <tt>"[[.Ch.]]"</tt> (see [xref to
XBD 9.3.5 bullet 4]) matches the strings <tt>"ch"</tt>, <tt>"Ch"</tt>,
<tt>"cH"</tt>, and <tt>"CH"</tt> when matching without regard to
case.</blockquote>and renumber the following sections.

On page 182 line 6030 (XBD 9.2) change:<blockquote>When a standard utility
or function that uses regular expressions specifies that pattern matching
shall be performed without regard to the case (uppercase or lowercase) of
either data or patterns, then when each character in the string is matched
against the pattern, not only the character, but also its case counterpart
(if any), shall be matched. This definition of case-insensitive processing
is intended to allow matching of multi-character collating elements as well
as characters, as each character in the string is matched using both its
cases. For example, in a locale where "Ch" is a multi-character collating
element and where a matching list expression matches such elements, the RE
"<tt>[[.Ch.]]</tt>" when matched against the string "<tt>char</tt>" is in
reality matched against "<tt>ch</tt>", "<tt>Ch</tt>", "<tt>cH</tt>", and
"<tt>CH</tt>".</blockquote>to:<blockquote>Some standard utilities and
functions support case-insensitive regular expression matching.  When this
type of matching is in effect, the matching process shall be modified as
described in [xref to XBD 4.1].</blockquote>
On page 2797 after line 91930 (XCU section find operands) add a new
item:<blockquote><b>-iname</b> <i>pattern</i><blockquote>The <b>-iname</b>
primary shall be equivalent to <b>-name</b>, except that the match shall be
case insensitive. See [xref to XBD 4.1].</blockquote></blockquote>
On page 2800 line 92074 (XCU section find (LC_COLLATE)),
change:<blockquote>used in the pattern matching notation for the <b>-n</b>
option</blockquote>to:<blockquote>used in the pattern matching notation for
the <b>-name</b>, <b>-iname</b> and <b>-path</b> primaries</blockquote>
On page 2800 line 92079 (XCU section find (LC_CTYPE)),
change:<blockquote>within the pattern matching notation used for the
<b>-n</b> option</blockquote>to:<blockquote>within the pattern matching
notation used for the <b>-name</b>, <b>-iname</b> and <b>-path</b>
On page 2843 line 93633 (XCU section grep), change:<blockquote>Perform
pattern matching in searches without regard to
case;</blockquote>to:<blockquote>Perform pattern matching in a
case-insensitive manner;</blockquote>
On page 3005 line 99882 (XCU more), change:<blockquote>Perform pattern
matching in searches without regard to
case;</blockquote>to:<blockquote>Perform pattern matching in a
case-insensitive manner;</blockquote>
Cross-volume changes to XBD ...

On page 254 after line 8520 (XBD section <fnmatch.h>), add the following
new items:<blockquote>FNM_CASEFOLD <i>string</i> and <i>pattern</i> are
compared in a case-insensitive manner. See [xref to XBD 4.1].

FNM_IGNORECASE Equivalent to FNM_CASEFOLD.</blockquote>
On page 323 line 10972 (XBD section <regex.h>), change:<blockquote>Ignore
case in match</blockquote>to:<blockquote>Perform pattern matching in a
case-insensitive manner</blockquote>
Cross-volume changes to XSH ...
On page 890 after line 30073 (XSH section fnmatch()), add a new
paragraph:<blockquote>If FNM_CASEFOLD or FNM_IGNORECASE is set,
<i>string</i> and <i>pattern</i> shall be compared in a case-insensitive
manner. See [xref to XBD 4.1].</blockquote>
On page 1802 line 58345 (XSH section regcomp()), change:<blockquote>Ignore
case in match (see [xref to XBD Chapter
9])</blockquote>to:<blockquote>Perform matching in a case-insensitive
manner (see [xref to XBD 9.2])</blockquote>
Cross-volume changes to XRAT ...

On page 3511 line 118810 (XRAT A.4), insert a new section:<blockquote>A.4.1
Case Insensitive Comparisons

Case-insensitive matching is defined in this standard in terms of a simple
algorithm whereby, for each character in the string to be matched, if the
character is uppercase then the lowercase equivalent (if any) is also
checked for a match, and if the character is lowercase then the uppercase
equivalent (if any) is also checked for a match.  It is described this way
to make the expected behavior easier to understand; however,
implementations may internally use more sophisticated algorithms to improve
efficiency, provided that the result is the same as the simple algorithm
would produce.</blockquote>
and renumber the following A.4.x sections. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2016-03-07 03:21 dannyniu       New Issue                                    
2016-03-07 03:21 dannyniu       Name                      => DannyNiu/NJF    
2016-03-07 03:21 dannyniu       Section                   => The 'find' utility.

2016-03-07 03:21 dannyniu       Page Number               => 2761-2770       
2016-03-07 03:21 dannyniu       Line Number               => 90443-90860     
2016-03-07 12:09 stephane       Note Added: 0003090                          
2016-03-07 12:53 schwarze       Note Added: 0003091                          
2017-02-16 16:33 geoffclare     Note Added: 0003559                          

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