 | (0003588) shware_systems (reporter) - 2017-03-03 04:42
(P.S.: i don't plan it, actually.  Just in case you think that.)
 | http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=1122#c3588 

And on top of that i think your strategy to provide "programmer's
tools" is wrong, and i want to give you a real life example from
just this very day, even if that is completely off-topic, but in
the end it takes the same line that your post.
So once upon a time, in my private life...

▸N   63 me   2017-03-03 13:29  25/   1362 Bestellnummer: 94556

[I say hello.]

  Ich warte auf irgendeinen Fortschritt bei dieser Bestellung.
[As you can see, I am awaiting progress of my order.]
  Die Bareinzahlung wurde noch ... getätigt, allerdings überwies
  ich 55.- nicht 53,35.-, da ich den exakten Betrag dummerweise
  vergessen hatte.
[So i transfered all the money, cash, but not the exact value,
which i had forgotten, so i have chosen to drive 55, which i knew
was sufficient.]

  Das klingt jetzt vielleicht komisch, aber ich befürchte, daß die
  von Ihnen ... beauftragte ... in Schockstarre verfallen ist, und
  im Moment alptraumhafte Erfahrungen macht, schließlich ist der
  Betrag ja 53,35.- und nicht, ich wiederhole, _nicht_ 55.-!

[Yes, so i am suspecting, even if it sounds curious, that the
partially outsourced financial administration of this company is
paralyzed from shock, making nightmarish experiences, BECAUSE
i did not transfer 53,35.- Euro, but 55.-!  Note that this part of
the company is outsourced to Baden-Wuerttemberg (Heidelberg, to
be exact).]

  Bitte erlösen Sie die Krämerseelen,...
[I solicit for salvation of the small-minded persons in the
financial administration.]
  Mit vielem Dank im Voraus, und mit freundlichen Grüßen, und

[And this is a very friendly farewell.]

 O   62 them 2017-03-03 13:47  39/   2513 Statusänderung zur Bestellung ...
 N   64 me   2017-03-03 13:56  23/   1174 ┕▸


  ... wrote:
   |Der Status Ihrer Bestellung mit der Bestellnummer: 94556 vom  26-02-2017 \
   |hat sich geändert. Der neue Status lautet nun Komplett bezahlt.

  Es ist wirklich ein Wahnsinn wie schnell Ihr seid.
  Vielen, vielen Dank!

Just like i have said: it _has_ been paid completely!
And note i praise the client service, it is incredible how fast it
is, many, many thanks!
(And note it is the - i suspect wealthy - boss which answers here.)

 O   65 them 2017-03-03 14:00  68/   3326  ┖▸

  Ja, ich habe es gerade prüfen lassen.
[Yes, i have ordered a verification.]
  In der Tag wurde die Bestellung nicht unter komplett bezahlt angezeigt.
[Indeed the order has not been advised as completely payed.]
  Die Ware geht gleich raus....!!!
[The goods will be send away promptly.]

Isn't that a fantastic example for multiple things:
  - Don't use Python.  [Very subjective.]
  - Don't store money amounts as floating point or complex
    numbers!  Simply use integers, and scale them.  [Subjective.]
  - Don't think that in a modern world credit cards are used by
    everybody so that accounts are only on accounts, or 0 at best.
    [Ha!  Thanks to above this software did neither drive an
    airplane nor a nuclear plant!  Dammit!!  I am pretty sure it
    can control your coffee machine, though, but in my opinion
    that would not have been its job, because:]
  - You can end up with credit!
    [Not in New York, though, to the best of my knowledge.  At
    least not with a regular work, that is to say.]

Conclusion: gettext() does its job, and much better than those
unmaintainable catalogues ever did.
Greetings to New York.


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