A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                dannyniu
Assigned To:                
Project:                    1003.1(2016)/Issue7+TC2
Issue ID:                   1185
Category:                   Shell and Utilities
Type:                       Enhancement Request
Severity:                   Editorial
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     New
Name:                       DannyNiu/NJF 
User Reference:              
Section:                    more 
Page Number:               
Line Number:                EXTENDED DESCRIPTION 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2018-02-02 04:13 UTC
Last Modified:              2018-02-14 10:44 UTC
Summary:                    Additional 3rd option for getting line size.

 (0003923) kre (reporter) - 2018-02-14 10:44
Other versions of more use -n for a different purpose (a flag, with no
accompanying arg) so I doubt it would be a good idea to standardise that.

Further, I also am not sure I see a need, one can always just do

    LINES=36 more ...

if that is the objective for some reason, though personally I am not sure
I see any use for being able to specify more or less than the actual
terminal page size (what LINES, if it is set at all, should be, and
otherwise the tcget... call result)


Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2018-02-02 04:13 dannyniu       New Issue                                    
2018-02-02 04:13 dannyniu       Name                      => DannyNiu/NJF    
2018-02-02 04:13 dannyniu       Section                   => more            
2018-02-02 04:13 dannyniu       Page Number               =>
2018-02-02 04:13 dannyniu       Line Number               => EXTENDED
2018-02-02 04:24 dannyniu       Note Added: 0003916                          
2018-02-13 23:54 kre            Note Added: 0003920                          
2018-02-14 02:29 nick           Note Added: 0003921                          
2018-02-14 04:53 shware_systems Note Added: 0003922                          
2018-02-14 05:03 shware_systems Note Edited: 0003922                         
2018-02-14 05:20 shware_systems Note Edited: 0003922                         
2018-02-14 10:44 kre            Note Added: 0003923                          

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