Siteshwar Vashisht <> wrote:

> > Bash and ksh93 (at least the latest version I have from git).
> > 
> > $ ./src/cmd/ksh93/ksh -c 'type -t printf'
> > builtin
> This flag was added with last beta release of ksh (ksh93v-) that came out from
> AT&T. This is related entry from changelog[1] :
> 14-07-11 +Added -t flag and -P flag to whence and type for bash compaiblity.
> Since ksh93u+ was the last release that was embraced by distributions, I would
> suggest to use that as a reference. Our current work on github repo is based
> on ksh93v-. Whether it was a good decision or bad is a discussion for another
> day.

Thank you for the hint. This release still seems to be initiated by David Korn 
as IIRC David left AT&T later. I guess this is the state that staring from late 
2014 was no longer retrievable from AT&T as their servers suffer from a 
missconfiguration and die after less than a day after a restart.

The v- release fixes a lot of bugs and some of them even cause core dumps. 
Despite the fact that it is slow when you compile it using the supplied "nmake" 
based environment, it could be seen as a good starting point.

BTW: -a also works in this release with "type" that still is an alias to 
"whence v".


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