Geoff Clare <> wrote:

> Joerg Schilling <> wrote, on 03 Jul 2019:
> > pax is not a shell and ls does not include own pattern matching.
> > 
> > You thus cannot compare the behavior of these programs with each other or 
> > with 
> > a shell.
> Huh?
> find, pax, fnmatch() and glob() all do pattern matching as described in
> XCU 2.13.  The shell is supposed to as well.
> I already said it has nothing to do with ls.

If you agree that this has nothing to do with ls, then you should also agree 
that pax and find (that include pattern matching in contrary to ls) still 
cannot be discussed together with shell behavior since pax/find do not have a
shell interpreter for strings inside their code.

As mentioned by Stephane, there is no support for find -name '"*".c' and the 
content of the -name argument in find is typically controlled by the string 
processing of the shell or by a prepared string from a program that calls 

There is backslash processing by fnmatch() (in former times glob()) and there is
backslash processing in the shell string parsing and processing.

The backslash processing in the string processing of the shell is unchanged 
since 42 years and if that was a problem, it had been discussed in the 1980s 
already. If we like to keep compatibility, we cannot change the requirement for 
somthing as important as that shell feature. If you like to have special 
"escaping" for some characters to treat them literally, you can use [c] for 
such a "c" and this is a method that has already been discussed in the 1980s in 
the related Usenet groups.


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