Date:        Tue, 18 Feb 2020 09:58:32 -0500
    From:        Chet Ramey <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | The 1992 version of the standard knew about time, standardized it as part
  | of the UPE, and acknowledged that it worded the definition to allow the
  | ksh88 reserved word implementation.

Well, kind of - they made it unspecified what

        time a | b 

timed ("a" or "a|b") but ksh (all versions I believe) bash and bosh
all allow
        time(sleep 1)
which nothing in the standard explains (or allows).   Similarly
        time { sleep 1; }
        time if true; then sleep 1; else sleep 2; fi

except that if Jörg is right, then the "sleep" and "true" in those
would need to be quoted just in case they've also been turned into
reserved words, accepting some random syntax we don't know about.

And in a subsequent message, said:
  | There are people on the bash mailing lists who would like a word. 

There are some very strange people on those lists!


ps: I am not saying that any of this functionality (that provided by
ksh, etc) is not useful, it's just hard to reconcile in any reasonable
way with what the standard allows, and other shells implement.

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