A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                rhialto
Assigned To:                
Project:                    1003.1(2013)/Issue7+TC1
Issue ID:                   1329
Category:                   Base Definitions and Headers
Type:                       Clarification Requested
Severity:                   Objection
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     New
Name:                       Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert 
User Reference:              
Section:                    Vol 1. 9.4.6, Vol. 1. 13. regex.h, Vol 2. regcomp(),
Vol. 4. A.9.2  
Page Number:                190 
Line Number:                6195 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2020-03-29 20:54 UTC
Last Modified:              2020-11-09 17:06 UTC
Summary:                    Problem in resolution of
https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=793: "Regular Expressions: add
REG_MINIMAL and a minimum repitition modifier"
Relationships       ID      Summary
child of            0000793 Regular Expressions: add REG_MINIMAL an...

 (0005111) geoffclare (manager) - 2020-11-09 17:06
Draft 1.1 page 163 after line 5700
add:<blockquote><b>leftmost</b><blockquote>The characters closest to the
beginning of the string.</blockquote></blockquote>

Draft 1.1 page 172 lines 6090-6100 change:<blockquote><blockquote>Each of
the duplication symbols ('+', '*', '?', and intervals) can be suffixed by
the minimal repetition modifier '?' (<question-mark>), in which case
matching behavior shall be changed from the leftmost longest possible match
to the leftmost shortest possible match, including the null match (see
Section A.9, on page 3410). For example, the ERE <tt>".*c"</tt> matches up
to the last character (<tt>'c'</tt>) in the string <tt>"abc abc"</tt>,
whereas the ERE <tt>".*?c"</tt> matches up to the first character
<tt>'c'</tt>, the third character in the string.

If the REG_MINIMAL flag, defined in the <b><regex.h></b> header, is used
when compiling an ERE via <i>regcomp</i>( ), the leftmost shortest possible
match shall be the default, and the minimal repetition modifier
<tt>'?'</tt> can be used to select the leftmost longest possible

The behavior of multiple adjacent duplication symbols ('+', '*', '?', and
intervals, possibly suffixed by the minimal repetition modifier '?')
produces undefined results.</blockquote>to:<blockquote><blockquote>Each of
the duplication symbols ('+', '*', '?', and intervals) can be suffixed by
the repetition modifier '?' (<question-mark>), in which case matching
behavior for that repetition shall be changed from the leftmost longest
possible match to the leftmost shortest possible match, including the null
match (see Section A.9, on page 3410). For example, the ERE ".*c" matches
up to and including the last character ('c') in the string "abc abc",
whereas the ERE ".*?c" matches up to and including the first character 'c',
the third character in the string.
If the REG_MINIMAL flag, defined in the <b><regex.h></b> header, is used
when compiling an ERE via <i>regcomp</i>( ), the leftmost shortest possible
match shall be the default for all duplication symbols, and the repetition
modifier '?' can be used to select the leftmost longest possible match for
the repetition it modifies.</blockquote>

The behavior of multiple adjacent duplication symbols ('+', '*', '?', and
intervals, possibly suffixed by the repetition modifier '?') produces
undefined results.</blockquote>
Draft 1.1 page 163 line 5718-5722 after:<blockquote>Consistent with the
whole match being the longest of the leftmost matches, each subpattern,
from left to right, shall match the longest possible string. For this
purpose, a null string shall be considered to be longer than no match at
all. For example, matching the BRE "\(.*\).*" against "abcdef", the
subexpression "(\1)" is "abcdef", and matching the BRE "\(a*\)*" against
"bc", the subexpression "(\1)" is the null
string.</blockquote>add:<blockquote>However, matching the ERE "(.*?).*"
against "abcdef", the subpattern "(.*?)" matches the empty string, since
that is the longest possible match for the ERE ".*?".</blockquote>

Draft 1.1 page 1719 line 56518,
change:<blockquote>REG_MINIMAL<blockquote>Change default matching behavior
to leftmost shortest possible
the matching behavior for duplication symbols to the leftmost shortest
possible match, and invert the behavior of the repetition modifier '?'
(<question-mark>) to match the longest possible match instead of the

Draft 1.1 page 3411 line 116717-116719 change:<blockquote>EREs can
optionally use a leftmost-shortest rule (enabled via the REG_MINIMAL flag
or the '?' minimal repetition modifier), in which case the shortest
possible matching prefix is instead identified as the matching
sequence.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>EREs can optionally use a
leftmost-shortest rule for repetitions (enabled via the REG_MINIMAL flag or
the '?' repetition modifier), in which case the shortest possible matching
prefix is instead identified as the matching sequence for the affected

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2020-03-29 20:54 rhialto        New Issue                                    
2020-03-29 20:54 rhialto        Name                      => Olaf 'Rhialto'
2020-03-29 20:54 rhialto        Section                   => Vol 1. 9.4.6, Vol.
1. 13. regex.h, Vol 2. regcomp(), Vol. 4. A.9.2 
2020-03-29 20:54 rhialto        Page Number               => 190             
2020-03-29 20:54 rhialto        Line Number               => 6195            
2020-03-29 23:03 Don Cragun     Relationship added       child of 0000793    
2020-03-30 02:57 kre            Note Added: 0004804                          
2020-03-30 03:14 kre            Note Added: 0004805                          
2020-03-30 03:23 kre            Note Edited: 0004805                         
2020-03-30 05:59 kre            Note Edited: 0004805                         
2020-03-30 08:36 geoffclare     Note Added: 0004806                          
2020-03-30 10:27 kre            Note Added: 0004808                          
2020-11-09 17:06 geoffclare     Note Added: 0005111                          

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