A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                steffen
Assigned To:                
Project:                    1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2
Issue ID:                   1605
Category:                   System Interfaces
Type:                       Omission
Severity:                   Editorial
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     New
Name:                       steffen 
User Reference:              
Section:                    bind 
Page Number:                626 
Line Number:                21642ff 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2022-09-13 15:34 UTC
Last Modified:              2022-09-13 15:56 UTC
Summary:                    bind: AF_UNIX: extend EADDRINUSE description beyond
"symbolic link"

 (0005967) geoffclare (manager) - 2022-09-13 15:56
It seems odd to have this error specified in DESCRIPTION instead of

I think the intention was that the existing generic EADDRINUSE entry in
ERRORS ("The specified address is already in use") covered most file-exists
cases for AF_UNIX and only the symbolic link case needed special mention.

A better solution would be to spell out how the two relate. I'd suggest
changing:<blockquote>If the address family of the socket is AF_UNIX and the
pathname in <i>address</i> names a symbolic link, <i>bind</i>() shall fail
and set <i>errno</i> to [EADDRINUSE].</blockquote>to:<blockquote>If the
address family of the socket is AF_UNIX and the pathname in <i>address</i>
names an existing file, including a symbolic link, <i>bind</i>() shall
treat the address as already in use; see ERRORS below.</blockquote> 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2022-09-13 15:34 steffen        New Issue                                    
2022-09-13 15:34 steffen        Name                      => steffen         
2022-09-13 15:34 steffen        Section                   => bind            
2022-09-13 15:34 steffen        Page Number               => 626             
2022-09-13 15:34 steffen        Line Number               => 21642ff         
2022-09-13 15:56 geoffclare     Note Added: 0005967                          

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