
* Jim Meyering wrote on Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 05:13:04PM CET:
> Bob Friesenhahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If new formats are added, the least worthy of the existing supported
> > distribution formats should be deprecated and eventually removed.
> > This means that if .xz is added that .lzma should be immediately
> > deprecated and slated for retirement from Automake.  Do you agree
> > with this philosophy?
> Sure: once there is a beta release of xz, lzma can go.

> When adding xz support, I considered whether to remove mention of lzma
> from NEWS, since it's now slated for removal.

I can agree with the following: once there is a stable xz release, we
immediately mark lzma as deprecated.  Then, in the next major Automake
release, we remove support for lzma.  If xz releases before Automake
1.11, then removal in 1.12 is ok, otherwise in 1.13.  Point releases
shouldn't remove features.

Experience shows that this will amount to a roughly two-year delay,  ;-)
but we decided to put lzma support in 1.10.1 without deprecating it


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