At 1245973156 time_t, Gregor Best wrote:
> I just found a place where it makes sense to have non-integer keys in
> the widget table: the titlebars. Rewriting those to make use of integer
> keys will be quite hard, as they make excessive use of integer keys and
> it will make the code even less readable and understandable. I'm
> currently trying to think of some way to stabilize the order of
> non-integer keys. Would a simple table.sort() be enough? I'm not really
> sure here...
> Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated :)

If you're willing to take this road, you need to define a rule on how to
order keys.
table.sort() on non-numeric keys would be enough and will return always
the same result (of course) so it's safe.

Julien Danjou
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