On 02/18/2012 12:03 AM, Uli Schlachter wrote:
How about doing stuff the other way around: Instead of making a magic-pattern,
you could run the client's name through string.lower().
That is an option, but then I need to run string.lower() on every application name I'm filtering through. Not that I'm concerned about performance (however, why shouldn't I?) but it just doesn't feel right to call a function a hundred times when I can call another function only once.
But still, I don't really see why people can't be bothered to spell stuff 
I dare to disagree with you on this. Application names usually start with the capital letter, but the binary names are nearly always all lowercase (Firefox and firefox respectively). Making the user distinct the two and press shifts where he may not isn't very user-friendly.
Yet another good question. I guess I'd be ok with a mail from him to this
mailing list which just says that he doesn't mind.

But I think it would be best if there aren't two different copies of this code,
but just a single version which everyone can use.
I invited him into our conversation, hope he will join us soon.

Still I'm afraid it would be hard to make a single version out of our modules. While utils.lua is pretty much the same as Antonio's version, menu_gen.lua borrows only the idea from his code, but otherwise is almost completely rewritten. Putting one file into a separate entity would be redundant. Or it could be placed alongside other similar *util-something* files. But I still find it hard to use beyond the menu generation context, so I doubt it would be often reused by someone else.

Best regards,

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