The service is called from Axis2 processing the request so I would
expect the message Context to be populated.


From: Thilina Gunarathne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 21 January 2008 19:18
Subject: Re: getCurrentMessageContext() returns null when invoked from
an EJB?

What do you mean by invoking from an EJB.. 

Are you invoking the service method directly without going through Axis2
(not doing an service invocation).  If that's the case it should return
a NULL as there does not exist an Axis2 created MessageContext.. 


On Jan 21, 2008 9:39 AM, Etches, Adam (GE Infra, Energy)

        Hi all first time posting... 


        I have been looking at implementing web services in axis2-1.3
with EJB 2.1. I need to get a handle on the message from with in the
service implementation.  I believe the correct approach for this is to
invoke the method getCurrentMessageContext() on MessageContext from with
in the service.


        I have tried this in a test pojo service which correctly returns
the message context but when called *BUT* when invoking this method from
an EJB null is returned.


        Does anyone know why the getCurrentMessageContext()  returns
null when invoked from an EJB?   





Thilina Gunarathne  - 

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