Thanks for the advice. I can see the problem now and it's the EJB
pooling which will force a different thread.
What I need to do is to use the messageContext to access the HHTP
headers so I can dig out a sessionid to do some state tracking with in
the current application. I guess I can force the client to supply a
session id as a param.


From: Afkham Azeez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 January 2008 18:19
Subject: Re: getCurrentMessageContext() returns null when invoked from
an EJB?

The problem is that the current MessageContext is store in a ThreadLocal
of the thread that received the Web service request. It is possible that
this is not the same thread that is running within the EJB. The EJB is
within the control of the AppServer. The AppServer maintains a pool of
bean instances and handles thread allocation. Therefore, the thread that
received the Web service request, and the EJB thread that runs you bean
are two different threads. So MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext()
will return null within the EJB implementation object.

May I ask, why are you trying to access the MessageContext within an
EJB? MessageContext is an Axis2 level concept. Why are you burning that
into your EJB, which should be independent from the Axis2 Web service


On Jan 22, 2008 8:29 PM, Etches, Adam (GE Infra, Energy)

        The Axis jars are in the lib directory of the axis2 project and
the ejb jar definition has a class path property in the to
load them from <axis2_home>/lib directory.
        The call to the ejb is from the same JVM as the web service so
the calls are all 'ejb local'. 
        I have followed the steps documented in the guide and I have reproduced
the problem on this example. All I did was to add the messagecontext
call to the sayHello method :
            MessageContext msgCtx =
        Then I modified the HelloBean's ejb to include a
class path for axis2-kernel-1.3.jar and  axiom-api-1.2.5.jar and
deployed this bean in JBOSS.
        When I execute this service the print from STDOUT reports the
msgCtx as null. 
        It's getting a bit frustrating now.


        From: Andreas Veithen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: 21 January 2008 21:49 

        Subject: Re: getCurrentMessageContext() returns null when
invoked from an EJB?

        MessageContext stores the current message context in a
ThreadLocal. To be able to retrieve it, two conditions must be met:

        1) The Axis JARs must be loaded from the same class loader.
        2) MessageContext#getCurrentMessageContext must be called from
within the thread that received the request.

        For point 1: Where did you put the Axis JARs?
        For point 2: I'm not very familiar with EJBs, but it might be
that this is the case only if the EJB is called through its local



        On 21 Jan 2008, at 15:39, Etches, Adam (GE Infra, Energy) wrote:

                Hi all first time posting... 
                I have been looking at implementing web services in
axis2-1.3 with EJB 2.1. I need to get a handle on the message from with
in the service implementation.  I believe the correct approach for this
is to invoke the method getCurrentMessageContext() on MessageContext
from with in the service.


                I have tried this in a test pojo service which correctly
returns the message context but when called *BUT* when invoking this
method from an EJB null is returned.
                Does anyone know why the getCurrentMessageContext()
returns null when invoked from an EJB?   



Afkham Azeez
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