The father's name is Simão Furtado de Mendonça filho de Balthasar ..., but 
the surname is torn and missing and Domingas Furtada, both deceased, 
married with Maria Pais de ...Joao de Conde Paes e sua mulher Anna Pais 
todos moradores no caminho de Sul, e naturaes desta dita ilha e igreja.

Note there appears to be a difference in the name Pais and Paes. Conde, if 
you don't already know is a Count, a noble, so this name is likely in some 
collection. She is showing that she has a connection to the Conde name.


On Monday, June 2, 2014 7:17:40 AM UTC-4, Lee wrote:
> I need a little help with the marriage record of Simao Furtado de Menonca 
> and Maria Pais de Conde (bottom of right page)
> This is a fragmented record - the left margin is missing as well as the 
> top of portion of this record.  I know that I have the correct bride/groom 
> as I have their names from the marraige of their child.
> As their is no actual date of marriage I'm ussing about 1698/1699 for that.
> The main problem I have is with the name of Simao's father....I can see 
> "filho de ???????....e Domingas Furtada".  Can anyone make out this 
> word/name for me please?
> Thanks!
> Lee Estep,
> Charleston, WV

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