
Based on the Feteira link, I think your ancestor is Antonio Silveira and you are are basing your link to these Candelaria ancestors on what NEPS tells you.

The direct link to Antonio Silveira is this:

If you look at the baptism of his twins in 1804, for example, you see he is not native of Candelaria, Pico.
That is the exact place where Helder Oliveira went wrong when he made this NEPS database. Funny thing is that they connect to his own Oliveira line, too, and he still got it wrong.

So if these people in Candelaria are yours based on this ancestor Antonio, then no, these are not your ancestors. But you do have other Pico ancestors who might lead to them, I suppose. Just not from this particular Antonio Silveira.

And yes, like another said, there is that gap in baptisms for Candelaria and no marriages either. And deaths don't start until about 1815, if I recall.

Doug da Rocha Holmes
Pico & Terceira Genealogist
Get ready for NFL Fantasy Football and join me in the newly created Azores Genealogist League. Still looking for more participants.
Write me here for more info: n...@rochaholmes.com

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Marriage Record Translation for
Alexandre Ferreira and Magdalena Furtada
From: Diane George <digeorg...@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, July 08, 2014 5:34 pm
To: <azores@googlegroups.com>

Alexandre and Madalena are actually from Candelaria, Pico and I am trying to trace them as they are my ancestors. The marriage record seems to be more solid than what is on NEPS so I am trying to use it and gather as much as possible from the contents. I never “rely” on NEPS.
From: azores@googlegroups.com [mailto:azores@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of p...@dholmes.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 3:33 PM
To: azores@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Marriage Record Translation for Alexandre Ferreira and Magdalena Furtada
This line is completely botched thanks to NEPS.
If anyone has ancestors from Feteira, you need to do your own research and ignore the "information" given so nicely to you by NEPS. A perfect case of "caveat emptor" (buyer beware). Or have fun tracing all the wrong ancestors.
You'll spend more time trying to figure out this mess than actually tracing your own ancestors.
In other words, this golden platter came with a Trojan horse.
Doug da Rocha Holmes
Pico & Terceira Genealogist
Get ready for NFL Fantasy Football and join me in the newly created Azores Genealogist League. Still looking for more participants.
Write me here for more info: n...@rochaholmes.com
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Marriage Record Translation for Alexandre
Ferreira and Magdalena Furtada
From: Diane George <digeorg...@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, July 08, 2014 2:53 pm
To: <azores@googlegroups.com>
I have located a marriage record and am having a little uncertainty with the translation. I can pick out the names as follows:
Date of Marriage:  10 January 1724
Groom:  Alexandre Ferreira, son of Manuel Ferreira and his wife, Catharina Garcia.
Bride:  Madalena Furtada, daughter of Manuel Goularte and Maria Furtada.
The record is at http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/PIC-MD-CANDELARIA-C-1718-1752/PIC-MD-CANDELARIA-C-1718-1752_item1/P13.html and is the only full record on the right page. Is there any information in the record about the ages of the parents? The reason I am trying to locate that information is that in the NEPS database, Alexandre and Madalena are shown as the parents of Francisca, but with birthdates in 1668 and 1666, respectively and with a different set of parents for both.  (Alexandre, http://www.ghp.ics.uminho.pt/geneweb/gwd.exe?b=FETEIRA;lang=en;p=alexandrre;n=ferreira and Madalena, http://www.ghp.ics.uminho.pt/geneweb/gwd.exe?b=FETEIRA;lang=en;p=madalena;n=furtado;oc=1.) It doesn’t sound likely that the NEPS information is correct as they would be 56 and 58 years old at the time of the marriage and 61 and 63 at the birth of the last child.
There are no baptism records for the period from 1692 to 1705 for Candelaria on the CCA site. Is it possible the records are somewhere else or just haven’t been uploaded yet.
I have also located birth records for three children of what appears to be the same couple, the children being:
Francisca, born 7 November 1726, http://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/PIC-MD-CANDELARIA-B-1721-1733/PIC-MD-CANDELARIA-B-1721-1733_item1/P43.html, third entry on right page. I believe that she is my 5th great-grandmother.
The children’s birthdates are consistent with the marriage date.
Any help would be appreciated.
Diane George

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