I think this record is my great grandfather.  The only US record I have found 
that I know with certainty is him is his death record (1912) which lists his 
parents as "John Silveira" and "Marianna Florinda" and gives his birth as 
"1870" "Azores".   What I can get from this record is that he was baptized 9 
August 1868, his father is Joao Silveira de Souza and his mother is Marianna 
Florinda, paternal grandparents Manuel Silveira de Souza and Anna Luiza, 
maternal grandparents Antonio Jose Vieira and Barbara Florinda ________.  I 
cannot make out what is written after Florinda.  More importantly, it looks 
like the record states that his birth was in October 1867 but that line is 
really difficult to make out because of bleed-through from the back side of the 
page (I'm guessing).  It is the record on the top right, #35, Jose.

1.  Did I get the information correct?
2.  Can anyone help with the last part of Barbara Florinda's name?
3.  Can anyone verify/clarify the birth date in October?


Thank you all

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