Generally sounds good.  I agree with Gareth that a wiki would be nice for documentation, especially as it would allow all of us to contribute.  Obviously you would have to consider how to stop wiki spam though, which could be a major problem.

You might also want an area to submit suggestions for new feeds or APIs, and I have to say I also quite like the ideas section on the old website, but it seems to have got too mixed up between ideas of things you can do with the current feeds/APIs and ideas for new feeds or APIs.  Splitting those up but keeping both would be quite nice.

If you are planning to have some Backstage events, please make sure they aren't all in London.   I don't want to have to travel all the way from Bath for all of them :P

Nice to see Backstage getting back on it's feet.


Matthew Cashmore wrote:
New website

Hi all,

We're seriously looking at redesigning and re-launching the backstage website - at the moment we can see these key areas

* Blog
* News / Announcements
* Documentation
* Searchable list of all feeds and apis
* Showcase and examples of prototypes, as well as a profile page for prolific developers
* Calendar of events
* Mailing list management (links to archive etc)

Is there anything in particular that you guys would find useful, have we missed anything that you'd love to see. And most importantly…. Get your design hats on. We're going to commission a designer for the new site and we're happy to take on board any and all ideas you have. Just email me your design ideas and I'll work as hard as I can to integrate them.

(PS - my hosting issues are almost sorted… well almost…. You'll soon be able to read my amazing motor biking blog - …. Really it's amazing… and a little later you'll also see a very fetching photo of me camping on the site.)


Matthew Cashmore
Development Producer


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