A few interesting points "picked out by the guardian" ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Brian Butterworth
Sent: Thu 5/29/2008 5:20 PM
To: backstage@lists.bbc.co.uk
Subject: [backstage] "BBC website review: Site failing to act as 'trusted guide"
A few interesting points...

http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2008/may/29/bbc.digitalmedia1 et al

The BBC Trust also found that bbc.co.uk's internal search engine "is not
effective and its usage is declining".
Referrals from the internal search engine declined from 24% of total
bbc.co.uk traffic to 19% between the last quarter of 2006 and the same
period last year, the trust noted.

The trust cited figures of low levels of usage for the BBC's web search
service - around 3 million monthly users, compared with 28 million for
Google and 6 million each for Yahoo, MSN and Ask. "In the context of a web
search market which has become increasingly commercially attractive, we have
considered whether there is a role for a public service engine," said the
BBC Trust.

bbc.co.uk's service licence states that it should act as a "trusted guide"
to the internet, "guiding users to the wider web and linking to external
websites with high public value" - the BBC Trust said it was "disappointed"
to see findings that showed that in July 2007 there were just 4.6 million
click-throughs by UK users from bbc.co.uk to external websites, with an
overall pattern "trending downwards" - comments from the public consultation
and research "suggest that the ineffectiveness and inaccessibility of the
links is the main factor preventing greater usage".


"We are [also] not convinced that BBC management's ambition to be 'part of'
the web rather than 'on it' by embedding BBC content on other sites, such as
YouTube, plays any role in acting as a 'trusted guide' to the wider web,"
the BBC Trust added. "Rather, this is mainly a way of marketing BBC content
to those who might not otherwise access it."

The report pointed out that as recently as January 2008, BBC executives had
predicted that bbc.co.uk would only be about 5% over budget for the
financial year.

In fact, the trust's own review carried out in December 2007 was showing the
bbc.co.uk annual budget had been blown by 48%.


Brian Butterworth

http://www.ukfree.tv - independent digital television and switchover advice,
since 2002

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