2008/5/29 Jeremy Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> A few interesting points "picked out by the guardian" ;)
Yes, they do have a rather vested interest.  I have to say that I do rather
agree that the BBC search engine is bloody awful.  It comes as no surprise
that people are not using it!  Ever tried to find a breaking news story
using it?

Also, I have to say that the idea of a "trusted guide" is so- so-
old-fashioned.  I thought we were all over portals.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Brian Butterworth
> Sent: Thu 5/29/2008 5:20 PM
> To: backstage@lists.bbc.co.uk
> Subject: [backstage] "BBC website review: Site failing to act as 'trusted
> guide"
> A few interesting points...
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2008/may/29/bbc.digitalmedia1 et al
> The BBC Trust also found that bbc.co.uk's internal search engine "is not
> effective and its usage is declining".
> Referrals from the internal search engine declined from 24% of total
> bbc.co.uk traffic to 19% between the last quarter of 2006 and the same
> period last year, the trust noted.
> The trust cited figures of low levels of usage for the BBC's web search
> service - around 3 million monthly users, compared with 28 million for
> Google and 6 million each for Yahoo, MSN and Ask. "In the context of a web
> search market which has become increasingly commercially attractive, we
> have
> considered whether there is a role for a public service engine," said the
> BBC Trust.
> -
> bbc.co.uk's service licence states that it should act as a "trusted guide"
> to the internet, "guiding users to the wider web and linking to external
> websites with high public value" - the BBC Trust said it was "disappointed"
> to see findings that showed that in July 2007 there were just 4.6 million
> click-throughs by UK users from bbc.co.uk to external websites, with an
> overall pattern "trending downwards" - comments from the public
> consultation
> and research "suggest that the ineffectiveness and inaccessibility of the
> links is the main factor preventing greater usage".
> -
> "We are [also] not convinced that BBC management's ambition to be 'part of'
> the web rather than 'on it' by embedding BBC content on other sites, such
> as
> YouTube, plays any role in acting as a 'trusted guide' to the wider web,"
> the BBC Trust added. "Rather, this is mainly a way of marketing BBC content
> to those who might not otherwise access it."
> -
> The report pointed out that as recently as January 2008, BBC executives had
> predicted that bbc.co.uk would only be about 5% over budget for the
> financial year.
> In fact, the trust's own review carried out in December 2007 was showing
> the
> bbc.co.uk annual budget had been blown by 48%.
> ---
> Brian Butterworth
> http://www.ukfree.tv - independent digital television and switchover
> advice,
> since 2002

Please email me back if you need any more help.

Brian Butterworth

http://www.ukfree.tv - independent digital television and switchover advice,
since 2002

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