personally, still haven't managed to get hulu working - please feel free to recommend a proxy/other method. reckon i'd use it a lot though.

Joost lost my interest (and IMHO damaged their brand) with poor content and standalone player - haven't bothered with the in-browser version yet.

ITV made a strange choice in using Silverlight - works OK on my PC but still crashes my Mac browsers. They just don't have the content though.

iPlayer is great on the Wii if you use WiiPlayer to sort out the interface, fantastic through a browser, kind of pointless on an iPhone without access over 3G (though the recently-discovered TV-out framework could make for a useful native application). It'd be nice to access it through an Xbox 360 (a la netflix). DRM and Kontiki prevent me using DL content (ditto 4OD - i'd rather use, gasp, bittorrent).

My PS3 toting-friend is overjoyed with iPlayer on his telly, whilst another with Virgin Media never uses it.

Hulu notwithstanding, I think iPlayer's easily the best experience for professionally-produced content, and the ease and speed of use makes me choose it over the illegal method mentioned above every time.

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