Its funny you should mention this as shortly after sending the email I
spent a few more hours seeing if I could find what I wanted and gave up.
I don't think there is a native MP3 playing radio.

So I bought this off ebay ( and I plan to test
it before I give it to her, I've got about 3 weeks before her birthday
and its cheap enough to buy something else if its not suitable.

The FM transmitter is an idea I had considered too. We have a couple at
work as well.

Thanks for your input guys. Nice MythTV setup, that bathroom looks like
one I saw on TV, Property Ladder I think it was.

 On Wed, 2009-04-22 at 12:11 +0100, Alan Pope wrote:
> 2009/4/22 Zen <>:
> > What is the need for a radio "in" the shower anyway? Why not just leave a
> > radio or mp3 player outside the shower and turn the volume up?
> >
> Indeed, I once received a combined solar/wind-up radio for my
> birthday, which lived on the window-sill in our bathroom. A quick wind
> of the handle (45.5 turns) before leaping in the shower would result
> in enough loud music for 20 mins or so. Longer with lower volume.
> Amusingly we'd tend to let the winder expire rather than turn the
> radio off. Frequently we'd be sat downstairs later in the day and have
> the bejeezus scared out of us by voices from upstairs. Caused by the
> sun blazing through the window, waking the radio up via the gift of
> solar power.
> Fun fun.
> Cheers,
> Al.
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