Hi Sorin,

> The particular place I'm getting stuck at is the part where you're
> supposed to cd /windows/machinename. That doesn't work; I get an
> error " -bash: cd: /windows/starforge/: No such file or directory".

Your autofs entry is not working.  Any sign of problems in
/var/log/{messages,daemon.log,syslog} when you cd into

Can you mount the CIFS resource manually?  You need to make sure this
works first, before you try and convince autofs to automount it for

  mkdir -p /windows/starforge
  mount.cifs //starforge/c$ /windows/starforge \
    -o ro,credentials=/etc/.autofs.smbpasswd

Possible problems:
  - starforge is not resolvable
  - credentials in /etc/.autofs.smbpasswd are incorrect. Do you need
    the AD domain appended to the username?
  - supplied credentials do not have permission to access

> At the second step where trying to mount the machine to the folder,
> I get "unexpected token '('". When I remove the parentheses around
> "ro,man" and run the mount command again, I get the mount help
> screen.  I've never seen the word "on" on a mount command. Should it
> really be there?

You're instincts are correct.  The CentOS doco would have been better
presented as:

  # mount | grep '/windows/machinename'
  //machinename/C$ on /windows/machinename type cifs (ro,mand)

The command they are suggesting you run is mount, and you need to be
looking for the CIFS mount in the output.  

> I've tried to google this and sort out the problem, but have so far come up
> with nothing. The machine in question is a domain-connected server. Could
> there be a problem there, in that the BPC-machine can't connect to a
> domain-computer?

Shouldn't have anything to do with the machine being domain-connected
(except that it may impact what username/password you need to access
the resource as).

Once you get manual mount working, you can move on to autofs
debugging, and hopefully get it all working.

Good luck and let me know how you go! :)


Chris Bennett

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