>-----Original Message-----
>From: Max Hetrick [mailto:maxhetr...@verizon.net]
>Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 1:58 PM
>To: General list for user discussion, questions and support
>Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Trouble setting up backup to a Windows host
>Sorin Srbu wrote:
>> Same settings as before, but tried your mount.cifs-command instead.
>> Something interesting is happening; I now get a question for password, I
>> assume it's the one in /etc/.autofs.smbpasswd, right? So I enter it and
>> an error 13, Permission denied. If it's not the same password pre-entered
>> /etc/.autofs.smbpasswd, which one is it??
>I just made some corrections on my personal website regarding that page.
>I was having issues using a credentials file last month, perhaps it's
>the same issue you are having.
>All my backups started failing where a credentials file was being used.
>I don't know if it's a bug with autofs, or something else wrong within
>CentOS. I did away with using the credentials file, and instead passed
>the username and password in the autofs file itself. Everything started
>working again, and I just haven't had time to investigate what caused
>the issue.
>I don't maintain those pages any longer on the CentOS wiki due to some
>issues I had there with interactions. You can find the most recent page
>at my website.
>Did you try passing the username and password directly in the autofs entry?
>machinename  -fstype=cifs,ro,username=$username,password=$password

No I didn't. Will try. Thanks for the hint!


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