>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chris Bennett [mailto:ch...@ceegeebee.com]
>Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 3:33 PM
>To: sorin.s...@orgfarm.uu.se; General list for user discussion, questions and
>Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Trouble setting up backup to a Windows host
>Your autofs entry is not working.  Any sign of problems in
>/var/log/{messages,daemon.log,syslog} when you cd into

Nothing I could find. 8-/

>Can you mount the CIFS resource manually?  You need to make sure this
>works first, before you try and convince autofs to automount it for
>  mkdir -p /windows/starforge
>  mount.cifs //starforge/c$ /windows/starforge \
>    -o ro,credentials=/etc/.autofs.smbpasswd

I used

#mount starforge -fstype=cifs,ro,credentials=/etc/.autofs.smbpasswd 

And got no error message. Entering

#mount ;gives me
starforge on ://starforge/E$ type 
ype=cifs,ro,credentials=/etc/.autofs.smbpasswd (rw)

All is well so far I think.

Cd'ing to /windows/Starforge gives me "-bash: cd: /windows/starforge/: No such 
file or directory". 8-/

>Possible problems:
>  - starforge is not resolvable
>  - credentials in /etc/.autofs.smbpasswd are incorrect. Do you need
>    the AD domain appended to the username?
>  - supplied credentials do not have permission to access
>    //starforge/c$

Pinging Starforge by name works, I added it all to the hosts-file, ie the 
trivial windows name, FQDN and ip too.

In /etc/.autofs.smbpasswd I have the credentials set to User Name = 
domainname/username. The account in question is a domain admin account, and as 
such should have access to all of the E-drive on the Win-machine.

I'll try setting the cred's as usern...@domainname instead and see if there's 
any difference.

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