On 29/09/11 10:28 PM, Adam Goryachev wrote:
> Can I assume this is because the new HDD's perform better than the old?
> In other words, would it be safe to assume you would get even better
> performance using RAID10 with the new HDD's than you are getting with RAID6?

Yes, the new drives are several generations newer.  If i went with 
Raid10 again, I would need 8 drives instead of 6.

Either way, the system keeps up with backups, so performance wasn't much 
of an issue, I just plain ran out of space on the old array.

Also, with 6-8 drives, I can lose any two, vs the remote possibility of 
losing the wrong two on Raid10, as touched on by other replies.

I'm still looking forward to backuppc 4.x with its removal of 
hardlinks.. there's nearly 14 million directories and 150 million 
hardlinks on this array and that definitely slows the system down.

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